Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics

Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics can be enabled/disabled using /schools/login API by setting isFBAnalyticsEnabled flag to true or false. Refer below sample response from /schools/login API. This feature will will be available starting from Saral App release v1.5.8

    "name": "Dummy school 1",
    "schoolId": "u001",
    "password": "xxxxx",
    "state": "up",
    "autoSync": false,
    "autoSyncFrequency": 600000,
    "storeTrainingData": true,
    "tags": true,
    "supportEmail": " ,",
    "offlineMode": true,
    "isAppForceUpdateEnabled": true,
     "isFBAnalyticsEnabled": true

Refer to firebase pricing @

Last updated