Multi-Page support

Saral App supports multi-page layouts from v1.5.0 release. Layout specification supports adding pages element to input number of pages configured for given layout and assign page at each cell level. if a page element is not present in a cell , cell is applicable for all the pages. This support is added to SaraSDK.

Example below shows layout with 3 pages where each question cells assigned with page number.

      "layout": {
          "version": "1.0",
          "name": "ANY1S15QMULTIPAGE Exam Sheet Form",
          "pages": "3",
          "cells": [
                  "cellId": "2",
                  "page": "1",
                  "rois": [
                          "annotationTags": "QUESTION1_0",
                          "extractionMethod": "CELL_OMR",
                          "roiId": "8",
                          "index": 0,
                          "rect": {
                              "top": 165,
                              "left": 275,
                              "bottom": 194,
                              "right": 300

Last updated