Saral App Debug Tips

Saral App Debug Tips

SaralSdk log tracing from Android studio

In Android studio,open Logcat view at the bottom while running android application. Use "SrlSdk" as a filter in Logcat view to monitor Saral SDK logs. This is easy way to monitor whats happening within SaralSDK code.

Debug React Native Layer

  1. Install react-native-cli using the below command.

npm install --global react-native-cli

2. Run the below command from the frontend folder

react-native run-android

3. Run the below command to trace logs.

react-native log-android

Android logs


use the below log command to monitor android logs.

adb log-cat

SaralSdk log tracing from Android studio

In Android studio,open Logcat view at the bottom while running android application. Use "SrlSdk" as a filter in Logcat view to monitoring Saral SDK logs. This is easy way to monitor whats happening with in SaralSDK code.

adb shell cd <Path>

Example: storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.saralapp/files/Download

Capture scanned images from Android phone

  • Set debug option to true to store the image in android mobile. Modify below java file under /saralsdk and change below highlighted flags to true.

   mTableCornerDetection           = new TableCornerCirclesDetection(true);
   mDetectShaded                   = new DetectShaded(true);
  • With the above changes, run the scan on the mobile.

  • Use the below command to grab the android level logs and search for 'SrlSDK::CVOps: Saving file:' and 'SrlSDK::DetectShaded: Saving file:'. This will give you path to where the saved images are stored in your android phone.

adb logcat

  • Use the below command to pull the images finally. adb pull <image path in android phone found in above logs> example: adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.saralapp/files/Download/table_4Fg.jpg

Last updated

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