Saral App Debug Tips
Saral App Debug Tips
SaralSdk log tracing from Android studio
In Android studio,open Logcat view at the bottom while running android application. Use "SrlSdk" as a filter in Logcat view to monitor Saral SDK logs. This is easy way to monitor whats happening within SaralSDK code.
Debug React Native Layer
using the below command.
npm install --global react-native-cli
2. Run the below command from the frontend folder
react-native run-android
3. Run the below command to trace logs.
react-native log-android
Android logs
use the below log command to monitor android logs.
adb log-cat
SaralSdk log tracing from Android studio
In Android studio,open Logcat view at the bottom while running android application. Use "SrlSdk" as a filter in Logcat view to monitoring Saral SDK logs. This is easy way to monitor whats happening with in SaralSDK code.
Navigate to the Android device path to check files stored.
adb shell cd <Path>
Capture scanned images from Android phone
Set debug option to true to store the image in android mobile. Modify below java file under /saralsdk and change below highlighted flags to true.
With the above changes, run the scan on the mobile.
Use the below command to grab the android level logs and search for 'SrlSDK::CVOps: Saving file:' and 'SrlSDK::DetectShaded: Saving file:'. This will give you path to where the saved images are stored in your android phone.
adb logcat
Use the below command to pull the images finally.
adb pull <image path in android phone found in above logs>
example:adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.saralapp/files/Download/table_4Fg.jpg
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